wtorek, 11 kwietnia 2017

Final Reflection

During my long and rewarding  journey with CAS I definitely become more reflective as I started to think about all I was doing and broader about my actions.  For service I decided to help in the local kindergarten, teach English and become volunteer in the orphanage house. Activity was the most pleasant from me. I did attending the gym, take part in school matches and sign up to local handball club. For sure the most tough part was creativity as I am not that kind of art-making person. Therefor I  have decided to learn German and later interested in Origami technique.
Most challenging for me was orphanage house. It had the biggest impact on me. I felt what ‘reality’ means. I felt uncomfortable there firstly as I did know how to act towards children. They are in a small degree different than normal children as they experienced a lot. I become more open-minded and carrying after visiting them. But with the time, in a way I become a member of these children family. They treated me as a kind of sibling with whom they can always talk about and I was always helpful. Despite that young age they know a lot about the life and I tried somehow influence their outlook to be better. I explain them that there are other ways of doing something and sometimes it is a better way. I have learnt that family and especially parent are very important in creating children character and perspective. This allowed me to reflect upon issue of global importance as well as develop new skills.
The most enjoyable was handball playing in the club.  Sport is the best example of collaborated work. Every club member is different however they form one person-team. I learnt how each of the girl in the club play and even was able to predict where to move to make a great action. It also was reverse that after time club member knew how I play. Sport is about harmony and non-verbal communication. As I was older than club members they somehow treated me as a leader and I had to be aware to not become too bossy, because they were creating the team and I was only temporary player. Thanks to that I also a bit developed my leader skills.
Gym exercises let me know more about my physical state and possibilities that I have or do not have. I am the most proud of them as I see the progress in my exercises which is that my body changed a lot. It will definitely bring benefits in my life, because staying in a good form is important in healthy life. I noticed that I am more about doing endurance exercises than weight training in which the technique is needed and apparently I had to learn it, which will be a lot of fun as I love to work out.
In German learning, definitely the new skill I acquired is knowledge about new language and how to speak in that language. It was challenging to remember different words and grammar and do not mix it with English or Polish languages. I used several methods for learning and tape my room with small cards and words on them appeared to be the most effective one. After all it wasn’t that hard and I know now that languages are really important in the self-development process and I want to learn more.
English teaching  was a service which I have done at my place, so I had to plan everything in advance. My school lessons finish quite late, so I had to consider additionally time for my school learning. I had to prepare myself for every English lesson as well as materials and choose proper topic. I have learnt that children are more likely to be effective if they are given awards. I used that method after several lessons and saw improvements in quality of lessons and amount
Most rewarding was working with children in the kindergarten. They were really cute and hug me a lot. I received also a lot of paintings after my services was about to end. However working with children require special ethical code which I had to follow. I had to be aware of the way I speak to them and about how much I can allow them to do. Sometimes I had to be firm but still kind to somehow not hurt children, find the balance and after time I learnt that. I had to control each of my action to be professional and to not cross some teacher-child boundary. Whole experience let me reflect that education is significant in child development and when I will have my own children I will spend time for teaching at home.
Most difficult was origami making as it is a type of work which demand patience and perseverance. Sometimes I had to use a lot of paper sheets to do a particular origami. I had to be focus and motivated and do not give up which I did not despite the fact that I  replay some videos with certain folding several times. It was the activity which I have done at home so sometimes I commit a meeting with my friends in order to finish what I have started and I did not regret it as I feel fulfilled when I saw that my origami looks like it should be. I become more creative and like to do some paper art now. I made several organizers boxes and flowers which decorate my room.
I am really glad that I could experience CAS. I learnt a lot about my abilities. I know that for sure I could become a teacher at kindergarten as I like collaboration with kids and showing them the beauty of living. There is also a lot of things I have to work on. For sure I have to work on my body appearance more and now I know I can handle this. After service in the orphanage house I become more aware of the fact that there are more people who needs our help and basically us. I set up a goal and after my final exams I will undertake for sure another voluntary service and it will be hospice or nursing home.

wtorek, 4 kwietnia 2017

Creativity - Origami

After some time making origami I examine how much paper I actually used. I will definitively continue to do that paper folding game, but I will consider the ethical issue and use paper that is already used and intended to be trowed out. I have practiced working with small elements which requires a lot of concentration and patience. 

Initially I treated origami as something I have to do in order to fulfill creativity, but as time goes by I have to admit that I do it with pleasure and consider it as the time for relaxation and quietening. I am really happy for starting to do it.

Because of upcoming Easter I did something not specially from paper however as well demanding and creative.

CAS outcomes:
- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for grow, 
- Showing perseverance and commitment, 
- Undertaking new challenges,
- Developing new skills,
- Consideration of ethical implication,
- Planned and initiated activities. 

środa, 22 marca 2017

Service - Orphanage

Orphanage house was quite a journey. I thought that it will be the children who would have to get use to my presence, but that was me who had to domesticate. They welcome me with open arms and I felt as a part of their family. At the turn of those few months I saw that I somehow influence their perspectives on life.  I talk with them a lot and explain some things. I could say that I felt life theirs older sister and they liked me.

Now I know that I would be able to become a teacher or the superior of such kids. I developed my being-mother skills. I also believe that supervisors of the orphanage house were happy about work with me. I helped them a lot with helping to do children's homework.

I am glad that I have family that will help me if I would be in troubles or have problems and place where i am always welcome. I started to appreciate my parents massively. Moreover I decided that when I will start earning I will help some children charities as I am know fully aware that their need other's help.

CAS outcomes:
- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for grow, 
- Showing perseverance and commitment, 
- Undertaking new challenges,
- Developing new skills,
- Consideration of ethical implication,
Working collaboratively with others,
- Planned and initiated activities 

niedziela, 5 marca 2017

Creativity - Origami

During these recent months I saw that I made a progress and I am actually looking for more complicated origami to do. Lately really strong comparison came across my mind. Actually origami is like life. Sometimes it works and is easy and sometimes it does not. Sometimes you put it together in the wrong way and you have to improve it to make it right, which sometimes is hard as you not always know where you made a mistake. Same situation is in life, you are making mistakes and have to know how to work them out.
Even when you plan things in advance, that you will do this or that origami is not always accessible as when you examine the step by step instruction sometimes you are confused and you can not understand, thus you do not do it. Basically, you cannot always control either you are able to do something or not, same in life there is a higher power that in some way affect your decision and actions, thus not always you can realize what you have planned.

 Here are some of my works. It is clearly seen that they are slightly more time- consuming and demanding than my last origami.

poniedziałek, 6 lutego 2017

Activity - Gym

Recently, I have again started going to the gym. This time I intend to build my muscle (at least try to) and focus mostly on abs and gluts parts. I decided upon drawing inspiration and creating my workout plan from videos shared by people on Instagram. I have to admit that exercises are quite creative and I would never thought that I can do them on particular gym devices.  I seems sometimes to gain other's attention and be in the spotlight as mostly 30-40 years old people attend the gym in the time I also goes there. Thus, I have to deal with glances, which is stressful and intimidating, however I proud that my work might look professional.

What I started to like and respect is the fact that some people are able to devote their life to staying in healthy condition and basically accept the gym as their second home.  I do not know how they can stay motivated for that long time period. Also I have noticed that many of elders attend the gym. It brings thought whether I will find determination in their age and try to be fit.

CAS outcomes:
- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for grow, 
- Showing perseverance and commitment, 
- Undertaking new challenges,

- Developing new skills,
- Consideration of ethical implication,
- Planned and initiated activities.

środa, 4 stycznia 2017

Service - Orphanage

When decided upon that type of voluntary I was partially consciousness that it will bring something different to my life. It does. Actually, I have started to deliberate about meaning of the life.
I  think about what some people have done to live the life they have. Did they deserve it? It is unfair that we cannot fully control our destination. In the very begging of their lives they were marked with the adversity. They do not distinguish between good and evil, because there wasn't anybody to taught them - no parents.

 I know that there are people in the orphanage, who look after them, but I swear that it is definitively impossible for 1 person to raise that number of children.  Yeah, there is only one supervisor on the work-shift, who is there sometimes half of a day. So I am asking HOW he or she can handle it? Especially that these children need special care, they need somebody to be with them all the time. I can see, for example, how hard it is to do a homework with them. Sometimes I literally spend 2 hours helping a girl to do  4 math's tasks. And know imagine that there is 15 or 20 kid, who need the same help. In my opinion the government should introduce some solution, because at least 2 supervisors are needed at one work-shift.

Because of that experience I am glad that I have both parents, who are who they are and I am quite often complain about them, but I know that they love me and they contributed to making me who I am.

piątek, 9 grudnia 2016

Creativity - Origami

I am doing my best to create some origami-looking like "art". Actually, I thought it will be much easier to only fold the paper several times in various directions, but it appeared differently. The origami has several main basic forms which are needed to create more composed figures. I hope I will learn them and won't use instruction every time I started to do some origami.

I noticed that it is also a hard work for me, because it needs patient and involve precision with small details. It amuse me that folding the paper could be a tough task and surely I would say that physical work is much easier for me. My work look like a child's work, which is more ridiculous. I have to say that I really challenged myself, but I won't give up and I expect that successful progress would be seen sooner or later.

Here are some, let just call them "work".

A dolphin 

A frog

A box for my fineliners markers and pens

A bookmark

3D Hearts